Spring 2024

Issue Date: 
Spring 2024

Expanding Pet Cancer Care

oncology patient preparing for treatment

As more people own pets and seek care for them, the demand for advanced medical treatments is spiking including cancer care like the novel and expanding veterinary oncology services offered at the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital. “We are truly the only veterinary facility in Iowa that has board oncologist that are treating patients with cancer,” said Dr. Marc Kinsley, executive director of hospital operations. “And what we’re trying to do is expand those offerings.” The Board of Regents recently approved a renovation/addition project to the Pet Cancer Clinic in the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital.

Large Animal Hospital Expansion

mare and foal

The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center is expanding its Large Animal Hospital by over 17,000 square feet. The $12 million project will be funded by private gifts and university funds. The expansion will expand reproductive services for horses and equine sports medicine services in response to the growing equine industry in Iowa. The project will also enhance DVM student and resident training. The construction project will include additional equine ICU stalls, reproductive services, bedding storage and shared storage, embryo transfer lab and an equine rehabilitation area.

Helping Others

Karen Durbin

Karen Durbin is perfectly suited for her new job in the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center (LVMC). Her previous corporate experience prepared her for her current position of the LVMC’s client relations manager. Her previous corporate experience prepared her for her current position of the LVMC’s client relations manager.

Forever True Day

Forever True Day graphic

Join supporters of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center for the annual Forever True Day, a 24-hour online giving celebration to assist the hospital in continuing to provide the very best care for our pets.The celebration will start at forevertrueday.com, so mark your calendars for noon CST on Wednesday, April 3, to join in on the online celebration!

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