Shipping Requirements

ATTENTION: USPS updated their STAMPED MAIL policy on October 1, 2019. Any packages >10oz and >1/2in. thickness cannot be mailed with regular stamps. Postage Meters, PC Postage, & mailing from the post office is OK. All others will be returned to sender as NOT DELIVERABLE.


  • Fill out the Department of Veterinary Pathology Histopathology Submission form and submit it with the specimen
  • Place the biopsy specimen in a sealed wide-mouthed container with 10% neutral buffered formalin at 10-20 times the bulk of the tissue (ensure adequate fixation before shipping)
  • Tighten the lid on the container and secure by wrapping with parafilm (no tape)
  • Attach the formalin sticker to the container and label with the clinic, owner’s name, animal’s name and specimen type.
  • Place the container in a plastic bag with absorbent material (e.g. paper towels) and ship in a sturdy box by the carrier of your choice to:
    Department of Veterinary Pathology
    2703 Veterinary Medicine
    Iowa State University
    Ames, IA 50011-1250
  • Information regarding special winter shipping instructions.
  • Procedure for using cucumber slices to orientate small biopsy.


Request shipping supplies (boxes, specimen jars, bags and formalin stickers). Fax completed form to: 515-294-7730
To obtain Pathology results click on the CVIS Website