Iowa is the nation’s leading egg producer1 and ranks 8th in turkey production2. Iowa is also #1 in egg processing1 and #5 in turkey processing2. The bustling poultry industry in Iowa employ approximately 11,800 people with a total personal income of $440 million3. The VDPAM Poultry Unit along with Center for Food Safety and Public Health (CFSPH), Iowa Department of Agriculture and Stewardship (IDALS), and the Egg Industry Center (EIC) helps hobby farmers, producers, and veterinarians in the Midwest and beyond with poultry production issues as well as assisting in decision-making to maximize production and collaborating with field-applicable research protocols.
Services provided by the ISU Poultry Unit include telephone consultations, post-mortem examination and diagnostics through the veterinary diagnostic laboratory, meetings, hatchery evaluation, as well as on-farm visits via ISU Veterinary Field Services. We collaborate with various industry organizations such as the Iowa Poultry Association, Iowa Egg Council and Iowa Turkey Federation in organizing conferences and industry events. Our mission is to provide current and scientifically accurate information to our poultry producers and practitioners.
1Iowa Poultry Association (accessed June 9, 2017).
2Iowa Turkey Federation (accessed June 9, 2017).
3Iowa Area Development Group (accessed June 9, 2017).