Marianna Jahnke, Associate Teaching Professor, received her Master's degree in Animal Physiology (with a specialization in reproductive physiology) at Iowa State University. Her expertise is in the area of embryo biopsing, embryo sex determination, and embryo splitting. She is also involved with all aspects of the embryo collection, transfer, and cryopreservation process.
The Embryo Transfer Service offers clients one of two main options for the production, collection, and transfer of embryos from their genetically superior females. Clients can administer superovulation treatments on their farm and then bring their inseminated donor cow(s) to Iowa State University for the embryo recovery process. Alternatively, donor cows can be housed at Iowa State University for all superovulation treatments and artificial inseminations. After embryos are recovered from the donor cow(s), they can be transferred fresh to synchronized recipient females or they can be frozen for transfer to recipients at a future date.
A variety of other reproductive services is offered through the Embryo Transfer Service, including embryo biopsy for sex determination and embryo splitting for the production of identical twins. Other services provided are ultrasonography, dominant follicle ablation, hormone assay and embryo exporting and fetal sexing.

The following services are available for a fee
- Embryo Recovery
- Superovulation Hormones
- Synchronization Products (e.g., Lutalyse, CIDR)
- Transfer of Frozen/Thawed Embryo
- Transfer of Fresh Embryos
- Biopsy and Embryonic Sex Determination
- Embryo Splitting to Create Identical Twins
- Donor Housing
- Recipient Housing
- Ultrasound Procedures
- Fetal Sexing
- Embryo Exporting
- Dominant Follicle Ablation
Short Courses
Bovine Embryo Transfer Training and Refinement
Registration Form

Marianna Jahnke, MS
Food Supply Veterinary Medicine
2201 Lloyd Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011