Research Basics

The Office of the Vice President for Research

Guides on sponsored research from start-to-finish can be found on the website of the Office of the VPR.  It's a great reference for researchers at any stage of a career. 

Finding Funding

Search for sponsors, collaborators, and ideas.

Within CVM: CVM Seed Grants program distributes USDA Capacity funding for Animal Health projects and state funds for other research. Iowa Livestock Health Advisory Council (ILHAC) seed grant program accepts proposals for projects that address commodity group priorities. 
Within ISU: Internal funding opportunities from the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR), like the seed grant programs offered within CVM, are focused on helping investigators develop strong applications for external funding opportunities. 
ISU Subscription Databases: The Grants Hub Toolbox contains links and tutorials for Pivot, Grant Forward, and Foundation Directory Online as well as a list of federal, state, and non-government resources.  
Industry Sponsored Research: The Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (OIPTT) has created helpful guides for Finding Industry Collaborators and Protecting Your Research Data and Materials.

Building a Research Team

Pivot can help you find other ISU researchers to collaborate on projects and make yourself visible to others. Key words are collected from ISU faculty webpages. If you are new to Pivot, you can find training resources here.

Iowa State Authorship Policy

Research outcomes are most often manifested in peer-reviewed publications and, sometimes, can involve authorship disputes. ISU’s authorship policy, which has been in effect since June 2018, can be very useful in proactively discussing authorship issues.