David Eldon Starling

Associate Teaching Professor
2080 Patterson Hall
Education & Certifications
- DVM, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, 1975
Present Instructor, BMS 330 Principles of Morphology I -
Present Instructor, BMS 331 Principles of Morphology II -
Present Instructor-in-charge, BMS/A ECl 401, Introduction to Aquatic Animal Health and Medicine
Honors & Awards
- Certificate of Appreciation (1984)
- Certificate of Merit (1997)
- Extra Effort Award #1 (1999)
- Extra Effort Award #2 (1999)
- Certificate of Merit (2000)
- CVB Directors' Award (December, 2000)
- Certificate of Appreciation from the AVMA for serving from July 17, 2005 to July 19, 2008
- Certificate of Appreciation from the AVMA for serving from July 15, 2005 to November 16, 2007
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA member)
- AVMA - Alternate Liaison for Aquatic Livestock Alliance to the Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee (AALC)
- AVMA - Alternate Liaison for Aquatic Practitioners to the Practitioners Advisory Committee for the Committee on Biologics and Therapeutic Agents (COBTA)
- Iowa Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA member)
- IVMA Legislative Committee
- Department of Interior's Federal Advisory Committee on Invasive Species (ISAC)
- ISAC Subcommittee for Early Detection and Rapid Response to Invasive Species
- ISAC Subcommittee for Prevention and Control of Invasive Species
- Aquatic Livestock Alliance (ALA Board Member)
Selected Publications
- Abortion and death in pregnant bitches associated with a canine vaccine contaminated with bluetongue virus. Wilbur LA, Evermann JF, Levings RL, Stoll IR, Starling DE, Spillers CA, Gustafson GA, McKeirnan AJ. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1994 Jun 1;204(11):1762-5. No abstract available.PMID:8063596
- Starling, Scarfe, Palic. Refinement and Use of Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificates) for Optimal Assurance of Disease Freedom in Aquatic Animals. Dodet B, the OIE Scientific & Technical Department (eds): The OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health. Dev Biol (Basel). Basel, Karger, 2007, vol 129, pp 103-113.