Terry Engelken

Executive Veterinary Program, Beef Cattle Certification, 2019
MS, Kansas State University, 1994
Residency Certificate, Kansas State University, 1991
DVM, Kansas State University, 1987
BS, Kansas State University, 1986
VDPAM 436A - Beef Records Analysis: Introduction
VDPAM 436B - Beef Records Analysis: Herd Management
VDPAM 436C - Beef Records Analysis: Cow/Calf Preventive Medicine
VDPAM 481 - Advanced Cow/Calf Production Medicine
VDPAM 482 - Applied Beef Production Medicine Preceptorship
VDPAM 483 - Beef Production Medicine
VDPAM 309 - Introduction to Production Animal Informatics
VDPAM 445 - Production Animal Clinical Medicine
VDPAM 476 - Food Animal and Camelid Field Service
Beef Production Immersive Knowledge Experience (B-PIKE) Program
VDPAM 421 A-R: Great Plains Vet Education Center (ISU coordinator)
Applied, field based studies that deal with beef production medicine.
Replacement heifer development
Feedlot receiving programs
Metabolic biomarkers to identify BRD in feedlot cattle
Bovine respiratory disease in feedlot and suckling beef calves
Causes and mechanism for the development of antibiotic resistance in the feedyard
The effect of pain mitigation on feedlot performance
The economics of beef production
Promotion and Tenure (Associate Professor) – 1996 (Mississippi State University)
Promotion to Full Professor – 2005 (Mississippi State University)
Dr. William O. Reece Award for Outstanding Academic Advising (2012) – ISU CVM
Academy of Veterinary Consultants:
Director, representing Eastern States, 2005-08.
Director, representing Eastern States, 1996-99.
Public Relations/Corporate Sponsorship Committee member, 1996-97.
Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Alliances member, 1996-97.
Nominating Committee member, 1997-99.
Program Committee member, 1999-01.
Nominating Committee member, 2000-15.
Membership Committee member, 2005-15.
Cattle Health and Well Being Committee 2007-20.
American Association of Bovine Practitioners:
Chairman, Membership Committee, 1998-2000.
Membership Committee member, 2001-03, 2018-2020
Animal Welfare Committee (ex officio), 2008-11.
Editorial Review Board; Bov Practitioner 2012-15.
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association:
Bovine Committee, 2007-15.
Animal Welfare Committee, 2007-10.
Executive Board Member (District 10) 2009-12.
Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association:
Animal Health Committee Chair, 2002-05.
North American Veterinary Conference:
Beef Program Chair, 2000-02.
Iowa VMA
Kansas VMA
Academy of Veterinary Consultants
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Iowa Cattlemen’s Association
Funk L., O’Connor A.M., Maroney M., Engelken T.J., Cooper V.L., Kinyon J., Plummer P. 2009. A randomized and blinded filed trial to assess the efficacy of an autogenous vaccine to prevent naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivis (IBK) in beef calves. Vaccine 27:4585-4590.
O’Connor A, Gould S, Brace S, Dewell R, Engelken TJ. A randomized clinical trial evaluating a farm-of-origin autogenous M. bovis vaccine to control Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis in beef cattle. J Vet Internal Med 25(6):1447-1453; 2011.
Woolums A, Berghaus R, Smith DR, White B, Engelken TJ, Irsik M, Matlick D, Jones L, Ellis R, Smith I, Mason G, Waggoner E. A producer survey of herd-level risk factors for nursing beef calf respiratory disease. JAVMA 243:538-547; 2013.
Van Engen NK, Platt R, Roth JA, Stock ML, Engelken T, Vann RC, Wulf LW, Busby WD, Wang C, Kalkwarf EM, Coetzee JF (2016). Impact of oral meloxicam and long-distance transport on cell-mediated and humoral immune responses in feedlot steers receiving modified live BVDV booster vaccination on arrival. Vet Immunology and Immunopathology 175:42-50.
Engelken TJ, Roth JA, Kimura K, Renter DG, Meyer BD, Burdett WW, Hill KL (2016). The effect of respiratory vaccine components and route of delivery on weight gain and inflammatory response in suckling beef calves. Bov Practitioner 50(2):165-172.
Cullen JN, Engelken TJ, Cooper V, O’Connor AM (2017). A randomized, controlled, blinded trial assessing the association between infectious bovine Keratoconjunctivitis incidence and a commercial Moraxella bovis vaccine in beef calves. JAVMA 251(3):345-351.
Capik SF, White BJ, Larson BL, Coetzee J, Van Engen N, Cernicchiaro N, Engelken TJ, Lakritz J, Ballou M, Hulbert LE, Vann R, Caswell J, Carroll J (2017). Effect of oral meloxicam prior to transportation on inflammatory mediators and immune function of arriving feedlot cattle. Amer Jour Vet Res,78(12):1426-1436.
Stephenson MK, Palomares RA, White BJ, Engelken TJ, Brock KV (2017). Prevalence of stocker beef calves persistently infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) in auction markets from the Southeastern region of the United States. Association between cattle body weight and odds of BVDV positive diagnosis. Professional Anim Sci 33:426–431.
Magstadt DR, Schuler AM, Coetzee JF, Krull AC, O’Connor AM, Cooper VL, Engelken TJ (2018). Treatment history and antimicrobial susceptibility results for Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, and Histophilus somni isolates from bovine respiratory disease cases submitted to the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from 2013 to 2015. J Vet Diag Invest 30(1):99-104.
Maurer DL, Koziel JA, Engelken TJ, Cooper VL, Funk JL (2018). Detection of volatile compounds emitted from nasal secretions and serum: Towards non-invasive identification of diseased cattle biomarkers. Separations 5:(18); doi:10.3390.