Gustavo Silva

- PhD, Preventive Veterinary Medicine/Epidemiology, Sanitation and Prophylaxis. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, with a part-time appointment at Iowa State University, Ames, USA. 2018
- Master (MS) in Veterinary Sciences, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil. 2014
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil. 2009
Applied disease epidemiology in food animal production, swine production and health, biosecurity, development of disease and production surveillance systems, and disease risk assessments.
- Best oral presentation at the National Congress of Veterinary Epidemiology, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 2018
- CNPq Ph.D. Fellowship, UFRGS, Brazil. 2014
- CNPq Master Fellowship, UFMT, Brazil. 2012
- FAPEMAT Fellowship, Brazil. Research project on veterinary pathology. 2008
- CNPq Fellowship, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Research project on swine production. 2007
ISU Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal (VDPAM) Department
- VDPAM Research and Graduate Studies Committee
Non-ISU committees
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ PRRS Task Force
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians, 2018 – To date.
HOLTKAMP D, TORREMORELL M, CORZO CA, LINHARES DCL, ALMEIDA MN, YESKE P, POLSON DD, BECTON L, SNELSON H, DONOVAN T, PITTMAN J, JOHNSON C, VILALTA C, SILVA GS, SANHUEZA J. Proposed modifications to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus herd classification. J Swine Health Prod. 2021;29(5):261-270.
Magalhães ES, Zimmerman JJ, PETE T, MOURA CAA, TREVISAN G, Holtkamp DJ, WANG C, RADEMACKER C, Silva GS, Linhares DCL (2021) Whole-herd risk factors associated with wean-to-finish mortality under the conditions of a Midwestern USA swine production system. Prev. Vet. Med 198 (2002) 105545.
MOURA CAA, PHILIPS R, SILVA GS, RAMIREZ A, GAUGER PC, HOLTKAMP DJ, LINHARES DCL. Association of wild-type PRRSV detection patterns with mortality of MLV-vaccinated growing pig groups. Prev Vet Med 189 (2021) 105270:1-7.
SYKES AL, SILVA GS, HOLTKAMP DJ, MAUCH BW, OSEMEKE O, Linhares DCL, MACHADO G. Interpretable machine learning applied to on-farm biosecurity and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2021; 1-15.
SILVA GS, GRAHAM K, NOVAK V, HOLTKAMP DJ, LINHARES DCL. A retrospective investigation of risk factors associated with loads of pigs positive for Senecavirus A at a midwestern US packing plant during the summer of 2017. J Swine Health Prod. 2020; 28(2):87-92.
SILVA GSS, MACHADO G, BAKER KL, HOLTKAMP DJ, LINHARES DCL. Machine-learning algorithms to identify key biosecurity practices and factors associated with breeding herds reporting PRRS outbreak. Prev Vet Med. 2019; 171:104749.
SILVA GS, YESKE P, MORRISON RB, LINHARES DCL. Benefit-cost analysis to estimate the payback time and the economic value of two Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae elimination methods in breeding herds. Prev Vet Med. 2019; 168:95-102.
SILVA APSP, DE FREITAS COSTA E, SILVA GS, SOUZA CK, SCHAEFER R, DA SILVA VAZ JR I, CORBELLINI LG. Biosecurity practices associated with influenza A virus seroprevalence in sows from southern Brazilian breeding herds. Prev Vet Med. 2019; 166: 1-7.
SILVA G, CORBELLINI G, LINHARES DCL, BAKER K, HOLTKAMP D. Development and validation of a scoring system to assess the relative vulnerability of swine breeding herds to the introduction of PRRS virus. Prev Vet Med. 2018; 160: 116-122.
SILVA GS, SCHWARTZ M, MORRISON, RB, LINHARES DCL. Monitoring breeding herd production data to detect PRRSV outbreaks. Prev Vet Med. 2017; (148) 89-93.