Jianqiang Zhang

Lora and Russ Talbot Professor in Veterinary Medicine
2654 Patterson Hall 1800 Christensen Drive
Education & Certifications  
Ph.D. (2005) Veterinary Science (molecular virology), University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
M.S. (1999) Molecular Virology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Institute of Virology, Beijing, China
M.D. (1996) Beijing Medical University, School of Public Health, Beijing, China

VDPAM488 Laboratory in Clinical Microbiology (2013-present)
VDPAM562X – Applied Diagnostic Technologies and Medicine for Infectious Diseases
VMPM 699 Research Topics Course (2013-present)
VDPAM699 Research Topics Course (2019-present)
Rabies Lectures to Public Health Students (2014-present)
Research Focus & Interests  
  • Development and validation of diagnostic assays for viruses of veterinary significance
  • Genetic classification, pathogenicity, and cross protection of PRRSV
  • Pathogenesis, immune responses and vaccine development of swine enteric coronaviruses
  • Disinfectants and antivirals against various viruses
Honors & Awards  
Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine International Service Award (2021)
MorrisTONE Faculty Fellowship (2020-2021)
Iowa State University Emerging Leaders Academy (2019-2020)
JVDI Best Full Manuscript Award (2018)
Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence (2016)
Iowa State University Award for Early Achievement in Research (2016)
ISU College of Veterinary Medicine Early-Career Achievement in Research Award (2015)
2022-Present   AAVLD Northcentral Representative
2022-Present   ISU VDPAM Research and Graduate Studies Committee, member
2020-Present   ISU College of Veterinary Medicine Diversity and Inclusion Committee, member
2019-Present   Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference – China Advisory/Planning Committee
2019-2022      AAVLD Virology Committee Chair
2019-Present  Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (JVDI), Virology Editor
2017-Present  Frontiers Veterinary Infectious Diseases, Editorial Board Member and Review Editor
2015-2021      ISU Research Foundation Industry Advisory Committee, member
2014-2020      ISU College of Veterinary Medicine Research Advisory Committee, member
2013-2019      ISU VDPAM Research and Graduate Studies Committee, member
2013-Present     Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD), member
2012-Present     American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV), member
2010-Present     American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD), member
2006-Present     American Society for Microbiology (ASM), member
2003-Present     American Society for Virology (ASV), member
Selected Publications  


Diseases of Swine (11th Edition). Edited by Zimmerman JJ, Karriker LA, Ramirez A, Schwartz KJ, Stevenson GW, and Zhang J. (2019). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Selected Publications: 

  1. Emelogu U, Balasuriya UBR, Liu CC, Torchetti MK, Wilkes RP, Zhang J, Mills E, Carter RT, Lewin AC. (2023). Phylogenomic assessment of 23 equid alphaherpesvirus 1 isolates obtained from USA-based equids. Virology Journal. 20: 278.
  2. Rawal G, Krueger KM, Yim-im W, Li G, Gauger PC, Almeida M, Aljets EK, Zhang J*. (2023). Development, evaluation, and clinical application of PRRSV-2 vaccine-like real-time RT-PCR assays. Viruses. 15 (11): 2240.
  3. Rawal G, Almeida M, Gauger PC, Zimmerman JJ, Ye F, Rademacher CJ, Armenta-Leyva B, Munguía-Ramírez B, Tarasiuk G, Schumacher LL, Aljets EK, Thomas JT, Zhu J, Trexel JB, Zhang J*. (2023). In vivo and in vitro characterization of the recently emergent PRRSV 1-4-4 L1C variant (L1C.5) in comparison with other PRRSV-2 lineage 1 isolates. Viruses. 15 (11): 2233.
  4. Yim-im W, Anderson T, Paploski I, VanderWaal K, Gauger P, Krueger K, Shi M, Main R, Zhang J*. (2023). Refining PRRSV-2 genetic classification based on global ORF5 sequences and investigation of geographic distribution and temporal changes. Microbiology Spectrum. e0291623.
  5. Rawal G, Yim-im W, Aljets E, Halbur PG, Zhang J*, Opriessnig T*. (2023). Porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV): Isolation and characterization of a variant PRCV from USA pigs. Pathogens. 12: 1097.
  6. Rawal G, Zhang J*, Halbur PG, Gauger PC, Wang C, Opriessnig T*. (2023). Experimental infection of pigs with a traditional or a variant porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) strain and impact on subsequent influenza A infection. Pathogens. 12: 1031.
  7. Zhu J-H, Tai C-H, Ping C-F, Chou P-H, Tsai Y-L, Chung S, Bradner L, Pentella M, Gauger P, Zhang J*. (2023). Evaluation of a sample-to-result POCKIT Central SARS-CoV-2 PCR system. Diagnostics. 13: 2219.
  8. Markin A, Zanella GC, Arendsee ZW, Zhang J, Krueger KM, Gauger PC, Vincent-Baker AL, Anderson TK. (2023). Reverse-zoonoses of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza A viruses and evolution in United States swine results in viruses with zoonotic potential. PLoS Pathogens. 19(7): e1011476.
  9. Khan RR, Ibrahim H, Rawal G, Zhang J, Lu M, Dong L. (2023). Multichannel microfluidic virus sensor for rapid detection of respiratory viruses using virus-imprinted polymer for digital livestock farming. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 389: 133920.
  10. Caserta LC, Zhang J, Pineyro P, Diel DG. (2023). Rapid genotyping of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) using MinION nanopore sequencing. PLoS One. 18(5): e0282767.


Google Scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9Ne0PG0AAAAJ&hl=en