Maria Clavijo

PhD, Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, 2014
DVM, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2009
Dr. Clavijo’s research efforts center on furthering knowledge on the ecology and epidemiology of swine bacterial agents by improving their surveillance in pig populations, refining gilt acclimatization strategies, and pig flow management as control strategies.
M. hyopneumoniae breeding herd status classification committee (PI)
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)-Emerging & Transboundary diseases committee
- Iowa Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA)
- Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA)
- American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD)
2. Clavijo MJ, Sreevatsan S, Johnson TJ, Rovira A. Molecular epidemiology of Mycoplasma hyorhinis porcine field isolates in the United States. PloS one. 2019 Oct 21;14(10):e0223653.
3. Chen X, Resende‐De‐Macedo N, Sitthicharoenchai P, Sahin O, Burrough E, Clavijo M, Derscheid R, Schwartz K, Lantz K, Robbe‐Austerman S, Main R. Genetic characterization of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus associated with high swine mortality in United States. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2019 Dec 12.
4. Clavijo MJ, Davies P, Morrison R, Bruner L, Olson S, Rosey E, Rovira A. Temporal patterns of colonization and infection with Mycoplasma hyorhinis in two swine production systems in the US. Vet Microbiol. 2019 July 234 p 110-118.
5. Clavijo, MJ., Oliveira S., Murray D., Rovira, A. 2017. Infection dynamics of Mycoplasma hyorhinis in three commercial pig populations. Vet records 10.1136/vr.104064.
6. Clavijo MJ, Oliveira S, Zimmerman J, Rendahl A, Rovira A. 2014. Field evaluation of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for Mycoplasma hyorhinis. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2014 Nov;26(6):755-60.
7. Dos Santos LF, Clavijo MJ, Sreevatsan S, Rovira A, Moreira MA, Pieters M. 2015. Genotyping of Mycoplasma hyorhinis using multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis. J Microbiol Methods. 2015 Apr;111:87-92.
8. Rovira A, Clavijo MJ, Oliveira S. 2010. Mycoplasma hyorhinis infection of pigs. Acta Sci Vet 38 (Supl 1):s9-s15.