Todd Bell

Bell Lab Link:
George Mason University, National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases
- Ph.D. in Microbiology, Virology focus, May 2017
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Walter Reed Military Medical Center
- Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists, 2010
- Wednesday Slide Conference Coordinator, 2008-2009
Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 2002
- President, Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2000
Iowa State University
- Animal Science 1995-1998: completed prerequisites for veterinary school admission
Professional Experience:
- US Army, Colonel (Retired), 2002-2023
- Director, Foundational Sciences July 2020-April 2023
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
Fort Detrick, MD
- Acting Deputy Commander March 2022 – June 2022
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
Fort Detrick, MD
- Commander June 2018-July 2020
Public Health Activity-Japan
Camp Zama, Japan
- Military Deputy to the Science Director August 2017 - May 2018
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
Fort Detrick, MD
- Ph.D. Candidate August 2014-August 2017
George Mason University National Center for Biodefense & Infectious Diseases (NCBID)
Manassas, VA
- Chief, Molecular Pathology October 2010 – August 2014
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
Fort Detrick, MD
- Resident, Veterinary Pathology Program June 2007 – September 2010
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP)
Walter Reed Military Medical Center
Washington, DC
- Group Veterinarian and Deputy Surgeon 2005-2007
10th Special Forces Group
Fort Carson, CO and Iraq (2006)
- Chief, Bahrain Branch Veterinary Services 2004-2005
Area Support Group, Kuwait
Manama, Bahrain and Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
- Chief, Andrews AFB Branch Veterinary Services 2002-2004
Andrews AFB, MD
Affiliate Faculty, George Mason University 2021-present
School of Systems Biology
Instructor, USAMRIID 2011- 2014; 2021-2023
- Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Course
- Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Lecture
ISU Current Teaching:
V Pth 7342 -- Anatomic Pathology I (Dual-listed with 5420.)
Basic pathology with emphasis on disease in animals and introduction to diseases by system.
V Pth 6040 -- Pathology Case Seminar
Description and interpretation of microscopic lesions and clinical pathology data collected from cases of natural and experimental disease. Offered on a satisfactory-fail grading basis only.
V Pth 5700 -- Systemic Pathology I
Pathology of the respiratory, reproductive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems. Emphasis on pathogenesis and anatomic pathology correlated with interpretive clinical pathology where appropriate.
V Pth 5710 -- Systemic Pathology II
Pathology of the integumentary, urinary, digestive, lymphoid, and nervous systems and special senses. Emphasis on pathogenesis and anatomic pathology correlated with interpretive clinical pathology where appropriate.
The Bell lab is focused on elucidating host-viral interactions at the cellular and systemic levels in order to develop countermeasures.
2022 - The Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3):The Order recognizes individuals who demonstrate high integrity and moral character, are in the top 10% of their Corps and field, have excelled professionally in the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) for at least 15 years, contributed selflessly, and enhanced Army Medicine.
- U.S. Army : Office of the Surgeon General Annual Wolfpack Award, 2020
- TEAM AWARD : Awarded for having established the Department of Defense SARS-CoV-2 laboratory in Japan in March of 2020 in response to the absence of testing, in coordination with the CDC, US Embassy-Tokyo, US Navy, and US Air Force.
- U.S. Army : A Proficiency Designator, 2019
- Awarded to officers recognized as leaders in their specialty through extensive publication and active national professional organization membership; considered eminently qualified to chair a department, division, or service; have attained full professional status; and have obtained national prominence in their field.
- Best Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, George Mason University, College of Biosciences, 2017
- COL (Ret) William Inskeep Award, 2010
- Given to resident best demonstrating professionalism, mentorship, and selfless service during veterinary pathology residency.
- Research Advisory Committee, Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2023-present
- International Development Committee, Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2023-present
- Director of Graduate Education (DOGE), Department of Veterinary Pathology, Iowa State University, Aug 2023.
- Director’s Governance Council, Board of Directors for USAMRIID, 2020-June 2023.
- George Mason University Institute for Biohealth Innovation Advisory Council, 2022-present
- US Forces Japan Public Health Working Group, Chair, COVID 19 pandemic, 2020
- Human Use Committee (HUC), USAMRIID, 2014
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), USAMRIID, 2011-2014
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association 2023-Current
The American Society of Virology 2020–Current
The American College of Veterinary Pathology 2010–Current
The American Society for Microbiology 2022–Current
The American Veterinary Medical Association 2002-2007
Nelli, R. K., Harm, T. A., Siepker, C., Groeltz-Thrush, J. M., Jones, B., Twu, N....Bell, T. M. (2024). Sialic Acid Receptor Specificity in Mammary Gland of Dairy Cattle Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30(7), 1361-1373.
Dairy Cattle Infected with HPAI H5N1 Virus |
Bell TM, Facemire P, Bearss JJ, Raymond JL, Chapman J, Zeng X, et al. (2024) Smallpox lesion characterization in placebo-treated and tecovirimat-treated macaques using traditional and novel methods. PLoS Pathog 20(2): e1012007. |
Cline C, Zeng X, Bell TM, Shaia C, Facemire P, et al. (2023) Temporal changes in pathology and viral RNA distribution in guinea pigs following separate infection with two New World Arenaviruses. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17(9): e0011620.
Liu, Jun, Eric M. Mucker, Jennifer L. Chapman, April M. Babka, Jamal M. Gordon, Ashley V. Bryan, Jo Lynne W. Raymond, Todd M. Bell, Paul R. Facemire, Arthur J. Goff, Aysegul Nalca, and Xiankun Zeng. 2022. “Retrospective detection of monkeypox virus in the testes of nonhuman primate survivors” Nature Microbiology, 17 OCT 2022.
Mucker, Eric M., Josh D. Shamblin, Arthur J. Goff, Todd M. Bell, Christopher Reed, Nancy A. Twenhafel, Jennifer Chapman, Marc Mattix, Derron Alves, Robert F. Garry, and Lisa E. Hensley. 2022. "Evaluation of Virulence in Cynomolgus Macaques Using a Virus Preparation Enriched for the Extracellular Form of Monkeypox Virus" Viruses 14, no. 9: 1993.
Cline, Curtis*, Todd M. Bell*, Paul Facemire, Xiankun Zeng, Thomas Briese, W. Ian Lipkin, Joshua D. Shamblin et al. "Detailed analysis of the pathologic hallmarks of Nipah virus (Malaysia) disease in the African green monkey infected by the intratracheal route." PloS one 17, no. 2 (2022): e0263834.*=co-first author
Liu, Jun, Kayla M. Coffin, Sara C. Johnston, April M. Babka, Todd M. Bell, Simon Y. Long, Anna N. Honko, Jens H. Kuhn, and Xiankun Zeng. "Nipah virus persists in the brains of nonhuman primate survivors." JCI insight 4, no. 14 (2019).
Cashman, Kathleen A., Eric R. Wilkinson, Xiankun Zeng, Anthony P. Cardile, Paul R. Facemire, Todd M. Bell, Jeremy J. Bearss, Carl I. Shaia, and Connie S. Schmaljohn. "Immune-mediated systemic vasculitis as the proposed cause of sudden-onset sensorineural hearing loss following Lassa virus exposure in cynomolgus macaques." MBio 9, no. 5 (2018): e01896-18.
Koistinen, Keith, Lisa Mullaney, Todd Bell, Sherif Zaki, Aysegul Nalca, Ondraya Frick, Virginia Livingston et al. "Coccidioidomycosis in nonhuman primates: Pathologic and clinical findings." Veterinary pathology 55, no. 6 (2018): 905-915.
Bell, Todd M., Virginia Espina, Lindsay Lundberg, Chelsea Pinkham, Ashwini Brahms, Brian D. Carey, Shih-Chao Lin et al. "Combination kinase inhibitor treatment suppresses Rift Valley fever virus replication." Viruses 10, no. 4 (2018): 191.
Cashman, Kathleen A., Eric R. Wilkinson, Carl I. Shaia, Paul R. Facemire, Todd M. Bell, Jeremy J. Bearss, Joshua D. Shamblin et al. "A DNA vaccine delivered by dermal electroporation fully protects cynomolgus macaques against Lassa fever." Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 13, no. 12 (2017): 2902-2911.
Bell, Todd M., Virginia Espina, Svetlana Senina, Caitlin Woodson, Ashwini Brahms, Brian Carey, Shih-Chao Lin et al. "Rapamycin modulation of p70 S6 kinase signaling inhibits Rift Valley fever virus pathogenesis." Antiviral research 143 (2017): 162-175.
Bell, Todd M. Carl I. Shaia, Jeremy J. Bearss, Marc E. Mattix, Keith A. Koistinen, Shelley P. Honnold, Xiankun Zeng, et al. "Temporal Progression of Lesions in Guinea Pigs Infected with Lassa Virus." Veterinary Pathology 54, no. 3 (2017): 549-562.
Kendra, Joseph A., Cynthia de la Fuente, Ashwini Brahms, Caitlin Woodson, Todd M. Bell, Bin Chen, Yousuf A. Khan, Jonathan L. Jacobs, Kylene Kehn-Hall, and Jonathan D. Dinman. "Ablation of programmed− 1 ribosomal frameshifting in Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus results in attenuated neuropathogenicity." Journal of Virology 91, no. 3 (2017): e01766-16.
Bell, Todd M., Tracie E. Bunton, Carl I. Shaia, Jo Lynne W. Raymond, Shelley P. Honnold, Ginger C. Donnelly, Josh D. Shamblin, Eric R. Wilkinson, and Kathleen A. Cashman. "Pathogenesis of Bolivian hemorrhagic fever in guinea pigs." Veterinary Pathology 53, no. 1 (2016): 190-199.
Bell, Todd M., Carl I Shaia, Tracie E. Bunton, Camenzind G. Robinson, Eric R. Wilkinson, Lisa E. Hensley, and Kathleen A. Cashman. "Pathology of experimental Machupo virus infection, Chicava strain, in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) by intramuscular and aerosol exposure." Veterinary Pathology 52, no. 1 (2015): 26-37.
Hammerbeck, Christopher D., Rebecca L. Brocato, Todd M. Bell, Christopher W. Schellhase, Steven R. Mraz, Laurie A. Queen, and Jay W. Hooper. "Depletion of alveolar macrophages does not prevent hantavirus disease pathogenesis in golden Syrian hamsters." Journal of Virology 90, no. 14 (2016): 6200-6215.
Martins, Karen, Christopher Cooper, Travis Warren, Jay Wells, Todd M. Bell, Jo Lynne Raymond, Kelly Stuthman, et al. "Characterization of clinical and immunological parameters during Ebola virus infection of rhesus macaques." Viral Immunology 28, no. 1 (2015): 32-41.
Johnston, Sara C., Thomas Briese, Todd M. Bell, William D. Pratt, Joshua D. Shamblin, Heather L. Esham, Ginger C. Donnelly, et al. "Detailed analysis of the African green monkey model of Nipah virus disease." PloS one 10, no. 2 (2015): e0117817.
Glaros, Trevor G., Candace D. Blancett, Todd M. Bell, Mohan Natesan, and Robert G. Ulrich. "Serum biomarkers of Burkholderia mallei infection elucidated by proteomic imaging of skin and lung abscesses." Clinical Proteomics 12, no. 1 (2015): 1-14.
Bozue, Joel, Christopher K. Cote, Taylor Chance, Jeffrey Kugelman, Amy Jenkins, Krishna Moody, Camenzind Robinson, Ernest Brueggemann, Harry Hines, David Fritz, Todd M. Bell, and Patricia Worsham. "A Yersinia pestis tat mutant is attenuated in bubonic and small-aerosol pneumonic challenge models of infection but not as attenuated by intranasal challenge." PLoS One 9, no. 8 (2014): e104524.
Cashman, Kathleen A., Kate E. Broderick, Eric R. Wilkinson, Carl I. Shaia, Todd M. Bell, Amy C. Shurtleff, Kristin W. Spik, et al. "Enhanced efficacy of a codon-optimized DNA vaccine encoding the glycoprotein precursor gene of Lassa virus in a guinea pig disease model when delivered by dermal electroporation." Vaccines 1, no. 3 (2013): 262-277.
Brocato, Rebecca L., Christopher D. Hammerbeck, Todd M. Bell, Jay B. Wells, Laurie A. Queen, and Jay W. Hooper. "A lethal disease model for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in immunosuppressed Syrian hamsters infected with Sin Nombre virus." Journal of Virology 88, no. 2 (2014): 811-819.
Alves, Derron A., Todd M. Bell, Carrie Benton, Elisabeth J. Rushing, and Edward L. Stevens. "Giant thoracic schwannoma in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)." Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 49, no. 6 (2010): 868-872.
Rivero, Rodolfo, Carolina Matto, María de Lourdes Adrien, Fernando Nan, Todd Bell, and Christopher Gardiner. "Parasite meningomyelitis in cats in Uruguay." Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária 20 (2011): 259-261.
Bell, Todd M. “Veterinary Pathology, Biodefense and Biomedical Research.” In Huck, Leslie G., and Ronald L. Burke, eds. Military Veterinary Services. Government Printing Office, 2019.
Bell, Todd M. “Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers,” contributor and editor. Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook (Blue Book), 8th Edition, 2014.
Bell, Todd M. Proceedings, Veterinary Pathology Wednesday Slide Conference, 2008-2009