Yuko Sato
DVM, MS, Diplomate ACPV

Associate Professor
2306 VDL
Education & Certifications
- Diplomate, American College of Poultry Veterinarians
- M.S. - Poultry Residency, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN), 2015
- D.V.M. – Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN), 2012
- B.S. – Berry College (Rome, GA), 2008
- VDPAM 420P - Poultry Preceptorship
- VDPAM 408/508 - Poultry Diseases
- VDPAM 498 - Poultry Medicine
- AN SCI 373C – Avian Health
Research Focus & Interests
- Extension and Outreach
- Infectious diseases of poultry
- Poultry diagnostics and pathology
Honors & Awards
- 2021 Early Achievement in Extension or Professional Practice, Iowa State University
- 2018 Early Achievement in Extension or Professional Practice, ISU College of Vet Med
- 2018 Mark Cook Pullet-zer Prize, Faculty Member of the Year, Midwest Poultry Consortium
- 2017 AVMA Emerging Leader (American Association of Avian Pathologists)
- 2017 North American Veterinary Community annual conference, Speaker of the year (Exotics)
- Iowa Poultry Association, Ex-officio member
- Iowa Turkey Federation, Ex-officio member
- Iowa Poultry Emergency Disease Response Committee (IPREP), University Extension Representative
- USAHA Committee on Poultry and Other Avian Species, Chair
- Poultry Health Management School-Executive Planning Committee, member
- Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine, Board member
- United Egg Producers Scientific Advisory Committee for Animal Welfare, member
- American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP)
- American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV)
- Association of Veterinarians in Egg Production (AVEP)
- United States American Health Association (USAHA)
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
- Poultry Science Association (PSA)
Selected Publications